AWS Global Accelerator

Varun Kumar Manik
5 min readJun 22, 2020

Step by Step Tutorial to Set Up & Deletion of Global Accelerator for your application

Hi Folks,

Today, I am gonna elaborate functionality of, one of the AWS networking components know as Global Accelerator. Which helps you improve the availability and performance of the applications. This component is recently added to AWS certification exams. Especially in Advanced Networking and Solution architect Associate Exams.

Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of VPC, EC2, & Endpoints (like Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, EC2 Instances, or Elastic IP addresses, in each endpoint group) require.

Global Accelerator: AWS Global Accelerator is a networking service that helps you improve the availability and performance of the applications that you offer to your global users. AWS Global Accelerator is easy to set up, configure, and manage.

It provides static IP addresses that provide a fixed entry point to your applications and eliminate the complexity of managing specific IP addresses for different AWS Regions and Availability Zones.

AWS Global Accelerator always routes user traffic to the optimal endpoint based on performance, reacting instantly to changes in application health, your user’s location, and policies that you configure.

Directly access web applications

Without AWS Global Accelerator: It can take many networks to reach the application. Paths to and from the application may differ. Each hop impacts performance and can introduce risks.

With AWS Global Accelerator: Adding AWS Global Accelerator removes these inefficiencies. It leverages the Global AWS Network, resulting in improved performance.


  1. Static anycast IP addresses
  2. Fault tolerance using network zones
  3. Global performance-based routing
  4. TCP Termination at the Edge
  5. Bring your own IP (BYOIP)
  6. Fine-grained traffic control
  7. Continuous availability monitoring
  8. Client affinity
  9. Distributed denial of service (DDoS) resiliency at the edge

Note: AWS Global Accelerator is a global service, it’s not tied to any specific AWS Region

Let’s make our hand dirty & get started with AWS Global Accelerator implementations.

Step by Step Tutorial to set up the Global Accelerator for your application :

Step 1: Log in to the AWS Management Console & select Global Accelerator.

Step 2: Click on Create accelerator.

When you create your accelerator, AWS Global Accelerator provisions two static IP addresses for it. Then you configure one or more listeners to process inbound connections from end clients to your accelerator, based on the protocol and port that you specify.

Step3: Enter the appropriate name.

Step 4: Add listener port

Step 5: Add region and traffic dial.

Traffic dial: Optionally, you can set a traffic dial for an endpoint group, to dial-up (increase) or dial down (decrease) traffic to the endpoints in the group.

The percentage is applied to only the traffic already directed to the endpoint group, not all listener traffic. By default, the traffic dial is set to 100 (100%)

Configure endpoint groups: You choose one or more regional endpoint groups to associate to your accelerator’s listener by specifying the AWS Regions to which you want to distribute traffic.

Your listener routes requests to the registered endpoints in this endpoint group. AWS Global Accelerator monitors the health of endpoints within the group using the health check settings defined for each endpoint.

You can configure a traffic dial percentage for each endpoint group, which controls the amount of traffic that an endpoint group accepts. By default, the traffic dial is set to 100% for all regional endpoint groups.

Step 5: Create Accelerator

Step 7: Accelerator is deployed successfully

Listener details.

Endpoints Group details:

Register one or more regional resources, such as Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, EC2 Instances, or Elastic IP addresses, in each endpoint group. Then you can set weights to choose how much traffic is routed to each endpoint.

Register endpoints for endpoint groups: You register one or more regional resources, such as Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, EC2 Instances, or Elastic IP addresses, in each endpoint group. Then you can set weights to choose how much traffic is routed to each endpoint.

Deleting the Global Accelerator.

Please follow the below screenshots to delete the Global accelerator.


In this blog, I have successfully shown step by step deployment of Global Accelerator. Listed out its Feature and benefits with two EndPoints Elastic IP and ALB. Also, given step by step details for the deletion of Global Accelerator.

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Varun Kumar Manik

AWS APN Ambassador | SME of DevOps DevSecOps | Cloud Architect & Trainer | Blogger | Youtuber |Chef